JU:MP: A Whole-Systems Approach to Physical Activity for Children and Young People in Bradford

11.35am - 12.45pm

Chair: Juana Willumsen 

Sally Barber, Jan Burkhardt and the JUMP team

In 2018, Sport England commissioned 12 places across England to explore how the whole picture of physical activity could be changed to improve the lives of people experiencing inequalities. Bradford is one of these 12 places and has developed and delivered the JUMP Programme (which stands for Join Us Move Play). JUMP aims to increase physical activity for 5–14-year-olds from different ethnic backgrounds living in some of the most deprived areas of the District. JUMP takes a whole-system approach: working with families, communities, schools, organisations, making improvements to the environment, and embedding physical activity into local policy. There are 15 workstreams within the programme which are built on research, evidence and in-depth insight work with children and families. The workstreams link up with each other to help create a whole system whereby children and young people have better opportunities to be physically active everywhere they go, every day.

This presentation is comprised of a series of short talks demonstrating a method of developing and implementing a place-based whole system approach to tackling physical inactivity. The presentation will include:

The process of developing the JUMP whole-systems approach

Description of the JUMP programme and its implementation

The role of greenspaces within the system

How neighbourhood action groups drive local change and link up the system

Working with Islamic Religious Settings to facilitate physical activity and tackle inequalities.

 Although the JUMP programme targets children and young people (aged 5-14) in Bradford, the approach can be adapted to other localities and populations. Despite system approaches to public health problems being increasingly discussed, their development and operationalisation is still sparse; this work demonstrates how in practice, a systems approach can be taken.